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Our section proposes three options for primary education in order to give families the optimal choice which would be suitable for their family. All primary programmes require the same level of English (spoken and written).

For ages 5-10, GS, CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 & CM2
Equivalent to Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (UK); Kindergarden, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade (US)

This programme starts in Grande Section (5 years old) and goes through to CM2 (10 years old). Children participate in 3 hours of English in classes held on Wednesday mornings (9am-12 noon). Lessons take place in Pasteur Primary School, La Celle-Saint-Cloud.

It is a programme that appeals to families whose children go to a local primary school and who can offer solid English help at home. The Wednesday primary programme sees families making the trip once a week from surrounding towns and villages.

It is also an interesting solution for children returning from abroad where they have been in English-speaking schools with no French as it allows the children, at least during their first year back in France, to concentrate on their French subjects in preparation for college (middle school), whilst maintaining their high level of English.

For ages 5-10, GS, CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 & CM2

This programme is integrated into the French public primary school Pasteur and Maternelle Pasteur in La Celle-Saint-Cloud. In primary, the students have 3 hours of English, 2 hours of Science and 1 hour of Geography. These integrated classes are offered at the CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2 levels. The English lessons take place on 2 half-days a week. To be admissible for this programme, the children need to have a strong academic record and be bilingual in French and English. Ideally children live in the catchment area for Pasteur Primary School or in La Celle-Saint-Cloud. If not, the family requires a dispensation (“dérogation“) in order to attend the school. These are awarded on merit by the Académie de Versailles and are limited.

*NEW: as of September 2023, the integrated programme will also be available for Grande Section children. The students have 3 hours of English on school time in Maternelle Pasteur, the other 3 hours take place on Wednesday mornings. Effectively students will have 6 hours of English per week.

Please click here for the timetable of the Section Internationale lessons 2023-2024.

Within the integrated programme, there is an “externé” programme. This programme has been established for families who choose to have their child attend the local primary school for their regular French schooling, but the child comes twice a week to Pasteur to join the pupils of the Integrated programme. This allows the child to stay close to home most of the week. It does require the availability of an adult to bring the child twice a week to La Celle-Saint-Cloud and parents must maintain close contact with their child’s French teacher to ensure that any missed lessons are made up. Children taking this option have the benefit of instruction in a second language and have the advantage of making friends with other bilingual children.

For ages 7-10, CE1 to 6ème/5ème
Equivalent to Years 3 – 6 (UK), 2nd – 6th Grade (US)

For over fifteen years, the Section Internationale La Celle Saint Cloud-Noisy le Roi has been offering a Wednesday afternoon programme in English for non-bilingual children in primary classes, CE1 to CM2.
*NEW: as of September 2023, we will also be offering classes to students in 6ème and 5ème. We will have two groups based on level of English.

During the weekly hour and a half session, pupils develop their reading, listening, speaking and written skills through a course combining stories, written exercises, activities and songs. A broad range of material is used; grammar workbooks, posters, word and phonics flashcards, as well as take-home CD Roms to help reinforce the week’s lesson. An entry test is mandatory (except for CE1 pupils who are considered beginners), to assess the student’s oral and written expression and comprehension. Because of diverse past exposure to English, the students are placed in classes according to their French class level. Small class sizes encourage individual attention and participation during classroom time, giving children the confidence and competence needed to communicate effectively, as well as the ability to understand and process information from various sources.

Click here for the 2022-23 enrolment forms.

To sign your child up to attend the test in September 2023, please contact Mrs Caroline Adema: aalcrep@sectioninternationale.org

La Section Internationale La Celle Saint Cloud-Noisy le Roi qui assure les enseignements en anglais pour les enfants bilingues propose aussi des cours d’anglais pour les enfants non-bilingues de 7 à 12 ans (CE1 au 6ème/5ème), dispensés par des professeurs de langue maternelle anglaise. Les cours ont lieu le mercredi après-midi à l’école élémentaire Pasteur et durent une heure et demie. Il faut compter, en plus, environ une heure de devoirs à la maison par semaine pour asseoir les connaissances.

En classe, les élèves sont encouragés à utiliser l’anglais dans des situations diverses et variées. Ils participent à une série d’activités motivantes visant à leur faciliter l’apprentissage de la langue anglaise. Les enseignants mettent tout particulièrement l’accent sur la compréhension et l’expression orale(facilités par les petites classes), tout en inscrivant l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture dans un processus de progression naturelle. La Section Internationale dispose d’une bibliothèque et les élèves sont encouragés à emprunter des livres chaque semaine pour enrichir leur apprentissage.

A partir de Septembre 2023, Le programme comprendra cinq niveaux : les débutants (Niveau 1), les intermédiaires (Niveaux 2 & 3), les avancés (Niveau 4), le niveau collège (6ème/5ème). Les enfants sont regroupés autant que possible par âge et selon leur classe dans l’école française, mais nous nous ajustons également au niveau de l’élève.

Suivez ce lien pour télécharger les formulaires d’inscription 2023-24.

Pour inscrire votre enfant pour le test en septembre 2023, veuillez contacter Mme Caroline Adema sur aalcrep@sectioninternationale.org

About Teachers

Primary Head Teacher

Both class teacher and responsible for the Primary section programmes. She is an experienced Primary school teacher with a B.Ed Honours degree in Elementary Education and Art, from Christ Church College, University of Kent, England.

Primary & GS Wednesday Teacher

Anelle is from South Africa and is familiar with bilingual education, through her own family and teaching experiences. She teaches the GS class for the Wednesday program. She enjoys exploring various methods of unlocking a child’s learning capacity through both conventional and creative teaching.

Primary Teacher

Mrs Raphael is a kindergarten and primary English teacher. She has a BA in English Language and Literature. She loves teaching and knows how to support children with educational difficulties. She was born and brought up in London. She also lived in Sydney.

Primary Teacher

Sunny is American. She has a BA in Psychology and has recently graduated with a Master of Education from Pennsylvania State University. Over the past 14 years, she has lived in 4 different countries. Through these experiences, she has developed a deep appreciation for language and communication.

Primary & Anglais Après La Classe Teacher

Teaches English at the Primary level.  She worked as an English & language teacher in International schools  in Turkey, France and Australia.

Primary & Anglais Après La Classe Teacher

Caroline teaches at both the primary level and AALC. Originally from Ireland and through raising her children in France, she understands the unique asset that a bilingual education has to offer.