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I am very proud to step up as the next President of the Section Internationale La Celle Saint Cloud-Noisy le Roi.

Originally from Ireland, I moved to France nearly twenty years ago.  My successful integration into local life has been greatly helped by the possibility of providing a bilingual education for my children locally.

Like many volunteers, I first became involved in the association as a parent representative, slowly increasing my commitment by organising events such as the annual Back to School Picnic and Charity Table Quiz.  As Vice-President, I have also been an active member behind the scenes working with the bureau before being voted President in September 2019.

I firmly believe that we can be proud of our Section Internationale.  Our strength comes from our dedicated and experienced teaching and administrative staff, supported by our dynamic volunteer parents.Our small class sizes ensure that a friendly personalised education, that is both bilingual and bicultural, is possible.  Teachers are continually striving to help our children progress and achieve their best.

We have 100% pass rate at the Bac (OIB) and all our alumni students are now in higher education – Ste Geneviève, INSA Strasbourg and Rouen, Classes Prépa Henry IV or Passy Buzenval, universities of Manchester, Bristol, King’s College London & Dublin, George Washington, McGill and Concordia  – to name but a few. You can find the full list here.

You can reach me by email at president@sectioninternationale.org .

Wishing your children continued success at school.

Yvonne Rémond Murphy

Baccalauréat Success!

The Section Internationale Lycée graduation ceremony was held on 5th July. A hearty congratulations to the Section Internationale Class of 2023, which had a 100 % success rate on the Bac, with a large proportion of mentions, including ‘Très Bien’ and ‘Bien’.